Hormones Have A Significant Impact On Vision
For a lot of individuals, when they think of hormones having a significant impact on the body, the changes that occur during puberty are often the first and last thought. The surge in hormones can cause the eye to lengthen (becoming too long ) and lead to myopia or nearsightedness. This is why it is essential to consistently have a growing kid's eyesight checked for changes.
The good news is as puberty passes, those hormonal changes cease wreaking havoc on the eyes. However, this is not the only instance in one’s life that hormones will likely impact vision, especially for women.
Birth Control And Pregnancy Can Impact Vision
The hormonal changes caused during pregnancy affect many aspects of your body. While most of these changes are temporary and return to normal after the pregnancy's conclusion, they can be pretty significant. Symptoms vary for everyone, and what might be a minor annoyance for one individual might cause severe visual problems for another.
The most common eye and vision issues experienced during pregnancy are:
- Dry and itchy eyes
- Blurriness
- Light sensitivity
Just like you feel it in your ankles and feet, hormonal changes cause fluid buildup throughout the body during pregnancy, your eyes included. Water retention causes fluid build-up that increases the internal pressure of your eye, distorting the natural curvature of the lens. This change in shape can cause blurry vision or light sensitivity.
Both pregnancy and many forms of medicative birth control cause fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone, which have been shown to impact ocular glands involved in tear production. These changes most often lead to dry, irritated eyes.
Dry eye disease is more than just a nuisance as well. If left untreated, it can seriously endanger your eyes' natural function and risk damaging sight. Tears help protect the eye's surface and wash away contaminants. Without this, you increase the risk of eye infections.
Dry Eye Worsens With Menopause
The hormonal shifts experienced during menopause cause many changes in your body, while hot flashes and mood changes tend to get the most discussion; one of the lesser-known but no less impactful symptoms can be dry eyes. Tear production decreases naturally as everyone ages, but the hormone changes associated with menopause make the problem even more acute.
One of the common treatments for menopause symptoms, Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT), can exacerbate eye symptoms. For those who have already struggled with dry eyes, be prepared for symptoms to worsen as soon as you enter perimenopause. Women experience dry eye disease at double the rate of men once they reach fifty years old.
If you begin to experience increased dry eye symptoms as you enter menopause, it is vital to ensure you are treating the condition; it is more than a nuisance.
Thyroid Disorders And Eye Sight
While we’ve talked mainly about the hormonal changes that impact women or those using Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT, thyroid conditions can also have a significant impact on vision. The thyroid releases a variety of hormones that help the body control metabolism. Thyroid disorders either cause an over or under-production of these hormones, and both situations lead to eye problems.
Recent studies have shown a potential link between thyroid hormone imbalances and the development of age-related macular edema and color vision issues. In Grave’s disease, where an antibody attacks the thyroid gland, common symptoms include bulging eyes, pain or pressure, and puffy or retracted eyelids.
About 12% of the United States population will experience a thyroid condition at some point in their lives, making it a hormonal condition to be on the watch for symptoms of.
Symptoms To Watch For At Any Age
We should all be checking in with our optometrist yearly to help maintain our vision. And that need only increases as we get older. If you haven’t been to the eye doctor in a while, now is the time to schedule your appointment. Getting a baseline for your normal vision can help you notice and diagnose issues as they arise much easier.
As we age, so much about our bodies change; don’t be caught unaware, and don’t ignore those changes. Even something as simple as dry eyes can have a significant negative impact on your daily life. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms or drastic changes in your vision:
- Dry and itchy eyes with redness
- Blurriness or distortions like halos
- Light sensitivity
- Pain or extreme pressure
- Loss of peripheral vision, floaters, or overall darkening
Essential Eye Care In Asheville
Don’t let the brisk mountain air, allergies, hormonal changes, or aging keep you from seeing the beauty of the world around you. Asheville Vision and Wellness is dedicated to providing the best eye care in the region with highly trained staff and the latest technology. We have provided Asheville and the greater area of Western North Carolina with the best care and latest technology available since 1989.
Schedule an appointment for an eye exam today to discuss issues you may be having with pregnancy-related dryness, menopause, HRT, or thyroid disorders. We can get started on a customized treatment for your unique eye-care needs.