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new year eye examHow do you set good new year's resolutions? Many people look forward to January 1st as a time to evaluate their lives and set goals to improve their lives. It can be thrilling and cathartic to think about how to grow as a person and make changes that will facilitate health and fitness. It is fun to think about the kind of person you will be at the end of the year based on the resolutions you make today. Unfortunately, 80% of all Americans find they do not achieve their new year’s resolutions. Many abandon them before they reach summer. 

Setting SMART resolutions is key. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. It is a way to help you think about how to set goals. Rather than writing vague goals like caring for your eyes better, you make it specific and measurable like scheduling your eye exam and eating eye health-supporting nutritious foods every day. New year's resolutions are often focused on improving fitness and health. Make this the year you include eye health in your wellness goals for the new year. 

Eye Health Resolutions and Goals for the New Year | Asheville Vision Associates

Things you do every day can have a profound impact on your eyes. From working with computers to the conditions you endure outside, small changes every day can help preserve your vision for decades. Here are some ideas for SMART new year’s resolutions that will help improve your eye health and vision:

  • If your work involves a lot of time staring at a computer screen, you can resolve to make a few changes that can make a big difference:
  • Set goals that ensure you are protecting your eyes from the elements in western North Carolina. This will mean wearing sunglasses or eye protection in situations where your eyes could be in danger.
  • Resolve to improve your diet for the sake of your eyes as well as your overall health and wellness. Believe it or not, what you eat has a significant impact on the health of your eyes.
  • Did you miss your chance last year due to quarantining and social distancing? This is the perfect time to set a goal to set your eye exam and put into practice whatever your optometrist recommends.

If you want to improve your overall eye health and wellness, your trusted optometrist will be your greatest resource. Several people have missed medical and eye health appointments and exams in the past year. If you are due for an eye exam, contact the team at Asheville Vision Associates. We are western North Carolina’s trusted eye care specialists.