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keep eyes safe in poolHealthy vision is one of the most important parts of your child’s wellness. Beginning at birth, your child’s vision will develop rapidly and is tied to many developmental milestones, such as hand-eye coordination and reading. 

During their growing stages, your child’s vision will impact how they learn, play, and interact in the world. 

While there may be some obvious signs of visual disorders, many vision problems can only be detected by a qualified eye doctor during a comprehensive eye exam. 

Is Your Child Having Trouble Seeing?

Some symptoms are more obvious than others, like squinting or holding reading materials very close. But often, the early signs are subtle and can be misdiagnosed. 

Your child may be experiencing a vision problem if he or she does any of the following:

  • Avoids reading and close-up work on activities such as coloring or puzzles
  • They seem to work slow or not understand the task
  • Complains of fatigue, eye strain, or headaches
  • Has a short attention span or seems distracted
  • Covers one eye or tilts head when focusing on something
  • Has difficulty with coordination. 

Common Eye Disorders in Children

Vision can affect the shape of the eyeball, how the eyes and brain work together, and other diseases or medical conditions. The most common eye disorders are caused by the shape and alignment of the eyes, including:

  • Strabismus: When the eyes do not align properly. This is often referred to as “crossed eyes.”
  • Amblyopia: Poor vision in one eye and is sometimes referred to as “lazy eye.” It usually occurs before the age of eight. Premature babies or infants born with low birth weight are at greater risk. 
  • Refractive Errors: Cause blurry images due to the shape of the eyeball or lens. These common conditions are easily treated with glasses or contact lenses. There are three types of refractive errors: Myopia or nearsightedness is good close vision, but poor distance vision. Hyperopia or farsightedness is poor up-close vision, but distant objects can easily be seen. Astigmatism describes imperfect vision at any distance. 

Schedule an Eye Exam for Your Child

Routine eye exams are a crucial part of your child’s well-being and readiness for learning. Even with 20/20 vision, your child can still experience problems that only an eye doctor can detect. 

At Asheville Vision and Wellness, we recommend comprehensive eye exams for health, vision development, and alignment at ages between 6 and 12 months, three years of age, and every other year throughout the school years

For more information about our pediatric eye exams and eye care, visit our website or contact us.